Refresh is a courtroom intervention staged in 2007. Lucas filed to legally change her name from "Kristin Sue Lucas" to "Kristin Sue Lucas" as a way to 'refresh' her self. She appeared in front of a judge in California to petition her case.

The work now exists as a transcript of the court proceedings and other paper ephemera related to her case. Since 2007, Lucas has staged numerous readings of the transcript.

Find documentation and an interview on Rhizome’s Net Art Anthology.

Refresh was originally presented as a part of Lucas’s solo exhibition If Then End Else If at Postmasters, New York in 2007.

Visit the Refresh Archive commissioned by curator Cora Fisher for Persona Ficta at the Hessel Museum at Bard College in 2013. The archive is in progress.


If Then Else End If at Postmasters


IF lost THEN found (2005)