In Everbody Loves My Cocoa Krispies, the artist recites marketing slogans and taglines (of past and present) culled from the web to a soundtrack of royalty-free beats.
Using her vocal chords, and a contemporary self-broadcasting method, the artist retransmits phrases that continue to give shape to the culture that informs her consciousness and identity - resulting in an at times critical, humorous, hypnotic, programmatic, and nostalgic delivery.
Commissioned by UMFA in Salt Lake City for Low Lives 3 Networked Performance Festival in 2011. Performed before a live audience and simultaneously broadcast to a web audience using OS native and free software programs: Photobooth, CamTwist, Garage Band, and Ustream Producer. The quality of the video reflects the compression standards for a streaming video performance.
Setting up of the performance is a part of the performance.
The video performance is 4 min 37 seconds.
Documentation of live broadcast performance before live audience. Low Lives 3 Festival of Networked Performance, 2011. Utah Museum of Fine Arts.